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In the end of November and early December 2003, East Co. Co. Records presents Northern Expozure Volume Five. This is the 7th album released on the label, excluding Woodie's solo album "Demonz N My Sleep" which was released on Koch Records.

The album features Woodie, Lou-E-Lou, B-Dawg, Lil' Los, XO, Shadow, Young A.Z., HighYellaBlack, Mad Dog, Young Luck, Megan, Carillo, Lost, Ammunition, BoBo, Diesel, Gangsta Reese, The Suspects and debuting new talent Big Tone and Lil' Dee.

Please note: The original October 14th, 2003 release date has been pushed back due to East Co. Co. being in negoitiations with another distribution company. A new release date has not been set yet but we will keep you updated.

You can view pictures of the East Co. Co. Fam here.

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